Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Based on information below, we must always prepare on the upcoming earthquakes since Indonesia is located on the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean chain of islands has the world’s deadliest and most destructive volcanoes. Indonesia’s 1,171 dated eruptions have produced the highest number of fatalities, damage to arable land, mudflows, tsunamis, domes and pyroclastic flows, fast moving currents of hot gas and molten rock.

When buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling often crushes objects leaving a space or void beside them. The triangle is the most common shape in a collapsed building. In an earthquake, get next to a large, bulky object that will compress slightly, but leave a void next to it.

Ketika bangunan-bangunan runtuh, berat dari langit-langit yang jatuh seringkali menimpa/meremukan barang-barang tetapi membuat ruang atau celah di sampingnya. Bentuk segitiga merupakan bentuk yang paling umum pada sebuah bangunan yang runtuh. Pada saat gempa terjadi, kita perlu langsung menuju tempat di samping benda yang besar, yang jika tertimpa langit-langit hanya "rusak" sedikit, sehingga dapat memberikan ruang atau celah di sampingnya (untuk kita berlindung).

If you are caught in a building during an earthquake and cannot get out, simply lie down and curl up in a fetal position next to a bulky object.

Jika Anda terjbak dalam suatu bangunan selama gempa bumi dan tidak dapat keluar, maka Anda dapat berbaring dan meringkuk di sebelah benda yang besar.

If awakened during an earthquake simply roll of the bed and lie beside the bed.

Jika Anda terbangun dari tidur karena gempa, maka Anda dapat langsung turun dari tempat tidur dan berbaring di sebelah tempat tidur tersebut.

Hiding under doorways is a frequent cause of death in earthquake-damaged buildings, according to disaster reports.

Berlindung dalam lorong sering merupakan penyebab kematian dalam bangunan yang rusak/runtuh akibat gempa bumi, hal ini berdasarkan laporan-laporan bencana yang ada.

It is AGI’s advice that evacuation of a building during an earthquake is not only dangerous it also makes no sense as earthquakes usually last only up to a minute which is insufficient time to evacuate especially from a high rise building.

Nasihat dari AGI bahwa melakukan evakuasi dari suatu bangunan selama gempa berlangsung adalah hal yang tidak saja berbahaya tetapi juga tidak masuk akal karena gempa bumi biasanya hanya berlangsung sampai satu menit saja, yang mana tidak cukup waktu untuk melakukan evakuasi, khususnya pada gedung yang tinggi.

a street legal plane

Terrafugia has completed flight testing of the Transition POC (Proof of Concept). Introducing the Transition®. Simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home.
Fly a distance of 725 kilometers at speeds of 115 km/hour;
requires a special license to drive and fly.
The time required for the transition from plane to car takes less than 30 seconds.
Vehicle speed 185 km/hour, range is 724 km on highways
Vehicle is fueled with gasoline, and the price of the car is expected to be around $200,000.
The first shipment will be in 2011

Achieving succesfull career

It is hard not to be discouraged when you read daily that our unemployment rate is creeping to 13.5%. If there is a time to take charge of your career – Now is the time – this is it! Even through these are definitely tough economic times and companies are cutting back staff , you still can find a new career. Check out these tips below to help you achieve a new and successful career – It is possible!

1. Hire a career coach: Career coaches can help you navigate almost everything – from handling emotions, helping you define skills and goals, creating a refreshed resume, just to name a few. As the saying goes, “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” – work with a career coach to help you “nail” your next career position.

2. Complete a career skills/interest assessment: During tough employment times we sometimes need to fall back on other talents and skills we possess. Taking a career skills and interest assessment may help you determine which stills and interests you have that may also be in high demand. Taking time to assess your skills and talents may lead you to a new and renewed career path.

3. Re-evaluate your resume: If it has been a few years since you’ve updated, modified or even looked at your resume, now may be the right time to pull it out and wipe off the dust. It is important to have a professional resume that is up-to-date and completely refreshed - listing your current skills and accomplishments. The format of your resume is also important and somewhat critical. A professional resume should be in a clear, easy to read font and format. It should also clearly define your skills, experience and accomplishments. Although there are many on-line examples to pull from, not everyone is skilled at writing a resume and pulling these details together. If you feel your resume may need some attention, seeking a professional resume service or career coach is a great alternative to ensuring you have a solid, “power” resume to work with. Dedicating time and a bit of money to ensure you have a professional resume pulled together is critical – take time to invest in yourself and your resume – it will pay off to a successful career!

4. Network, network, network: During tough economic times it is important more than ever to establish new/solid networking channels and/or reconnect with everyone you know. There are many local networking groups that can help you reconnect with other individuals in your field or area of expertise. Take time to view these networking groups and connect with a couple that you feel offer you the best networking possibilities and connections. Networking will be a huge key to your career connecting success. However, it is also important to use your networking channels to your best advantage. Don’t just send emails, attend meetings, social events and programs. As the saying goes, it is not only what you know, but who you know that can make all the difference.”

call us for another tips