Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Based on information below, we must always prepare on the upcoming earthquakes since Indonesia is located on the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean chain of islands has the world’s deadliest and most destructive volcanoes. Indonesia’s 1,171 dated eruptions have produced the highest number of fatalities, damage to arable land, mudflows, tsunamis, domes and pyroclastic flows, fast moving currents of hot gas and molten rock.

When buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling often crushes objects leaving a space or void beside them. The triangle is the most common shape in a collapsed building. In an earthquake, get next to a large, bulky object that will compress slightly, but leave a void next to it.

Ketika bangunan-bangunan runtuh, berat dari langit-langit yang jatuh seringkali menimpa/meremukan barang-barang tetapi membuat ruang atau celah di sampingnya. Bentuk segitiga merupakan bentuk yang paling umum pada sebuah bangunan yang runtuh. Pada saat gempa terjadi, kita perlu langsung menuju tempat di samping benda yang besar, yang jika tertimpa langit-langit hanya "rusak" sedikit, sehingga dapat memberikan ruang atau celah di sampingnya (untuk kita berlindung).

If you are caught in a building during an earthquake and cannot get out, simply lie down and curl up in a fetal position next to a bulky object.

Jika Anda terjbak dalam suatu bangunan selama gempa bumi dan tidak dapat keluar, maka Anda dapat berbaring dan meringkuk di sebelah benda yang besar.

If awakened during an earthquake simply roll of the bed and lie beside the bed.

Jika Anda terbangun dari tidur karena gempa, maka Anda dapat langsung turun dari tempat tidur dan berbaring di sebelah tempat tidur tersebut.

Hiding under doorways is a frequent cause of death in earthquake-damaged buildings, according to disaster reports.

Berlindung dalam lorong sering merupakan penyebab kematian dalam bangunan yang rusak/runtuh akibat gempa bumi, hal ini berdasarkan laporan-laporan bencana yang ada.

It is AGI’s advice that evacuation of a building during an earthquake is not only dangerous it also makes no sense as earthquakes usually last only up to a minute which is insufficient time to evacuate especially from a high rise building.

Nasihat dari AGI bahwa melakukan evakuasi dari suatu bangunan selama gempa berlangsung adalah hal yang tidak saja berbahaya tetapi juga tidak masuk akal karena gempa bumi biasanya hanya berlangsung sampai satu menit saja, yang mana tidak cukup waktu untuk melakukan evakuasi, khususnya pada gedung yang tinggi.

a street legal plane

Terrafugia has completed flight testing of the Transition POC (Proof of Concept). Introducing the Transition®. Simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home.
Fly a distance of 725 kilometers at speeds of 115 km/hour;
requires a special license to drive and fly.
The time required for the transition from plane to car takes less than 30 seconds.
Vehicle speed 185 km/hour, range is 724 km on highways
Vehicle is fueled with gasoline, and the price of the car is expected to be around $200,000.
The first shipment will be in 2011

Achieving succesfull career

It is hard not to be discouraged when you read daily that our unemployment rate is creeping to 13.5%. If there is a time to take charge of your career – Now is the time – this is it! Even through these are definitely tough economic times and companies are cutting back staff , you still can find a new career. Check out these tips below to help you achieve a new and successful career – It is possible!

1. Hire a career coach: Career coaches can help you navigate almost everything – from handling emotions, helping you define skills and goals, creating a refreshed resume, just to name a few. As the saying goes, “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” – work with a career coach to help you “nail” your next career position.

2. Complete a career skills/interest assessment: During tough employment times we sometimes need to fall back on other talents and skills we possess. Taking a career skills and interest assessment may help you determine which stills and interests you have that may also be in high demand. Taking time to assess your skills and talents may lead you to a new and renewed career path.

3. Re-evaluate your resume: If it has been a few years since you’ve updated, modified or even looked at your resume, now may be the right time to pull it out and wipe off the dust. It is important to have a professional resume that is up-to-date and completely refreshed - listing your current skills and accomplishments. The format of your resume is also important and somewhat critical. A professional resume should be in a clear, easy to read font and format. It should also clearly define your skills, experience and accomplishments. Although there are many on-line examples to pull from, not everyone is skilled at writing a resume and pulling these details together. If you feel your resume may need some attention, seeking a professional resume service or career coach is a great alternative to ensuring you have a solid, “power” resume to work with. Dedicating time and a bit of money to ensure you have a professional resume pulled together is critical – take time to invest in yourself and your resume – it will pay off to a successful career!

4. Network, network, network: During tough economic times it is important more than ever to establish new/solid networking channels and/or reconnect with everyone you know. There are many local networking groups that can help you reconnect with other individuals in your field or area of expertise. Take time to view these networking groups and connect with a couple that you feel offer you the best networking possibilities and connections. Networking will be a huge key to your career connecting success. However, it is also important to use your networking channels to your best advantage. Don’t just send emails, attend meetings, social events and programs. As the saying goes, it is not only what you know, but who you know that can make all the difference.”

call us for another tips

do and dont's in career

What’s one positive outcome of the recession? It’s leading people to consider a career change. Though the process of figuring out what to do next can be overwhelming, it’s also empowering. Taking stock of one’s skills, strengths, interests and experience makes an individual realize how much he or she knows and has to offer. Investigating career options also helps employed professionals extricate themselves from dead-end jobs. For people who are unemployed, a layoff can be the catalyst for pursuing a professional dream. (See How to Create a Better Life After a Layoff.)

Considering alternatives to the work you’re currently doing or you’ve done in the past is a worthwhile exercise for anyone, at any point in a career. Despite what the unemployment rate may lead you to believe, there are always options.

Yet those options may make career change difficult. Figuring out what path to pursue and where to focus your limited time and energy can be daunting. As a result, professionals sometimes go about career change in a scatter-shot way that squanders time and energy. To help you focus, career experts offer some realistic advice for pursuing a career change.

1. Don’t rush to go back to school. Many people decide to enter academia after they’ve been laid off because going back to school is socially acceptable, says Martha Manglesdorf, author of Strategies for Successful Career Change (Ten Speed Press 2009.) “It’s easy to rush the decision to go back to school because it feels like you’re making progress,” she says.

The danger is wasting your time and money on a degree that you end up not using, which happens often enough, says Mangelsdorf. She recommends talking to people with the degree you’re thinking of pursuing, to find out what’s involved, how they’re applying it, and whether it’s right for you.

2. Figure out what you want to do. Kim Batson, a certified career management and leadership coach, asks her clients a variety of questions to help them zero in on their next career moves: What do you really want to do? What have you always dreamed of doing? What’s motivating you to consider a career change? Is there an industry or group of people you’d like to serve? What are your strengths and skills, and how—and where—else might you use them?

3. Find out what the work is like. If you have an idea of the work you’d like to do, test your theory that it’s right for you, says Carl Wellenstein, a career coach and author of 12 Steps to a New Career (Career Press 2009.) Do research on the field or profession that interests you. Find people who are working in the profession you’re considering and talk to them, says Wellenstein. You might even be able to shadow them on the job. Look into signing up for a program like VocationVacations, which allows you to “test-drive” your dream job by working in it for a one- to three days.

4. Don’t assume that pursuing your passion will lead to riches. The idea that following your dream will lead to financial liberation is a misconception, says Mangelsdorf. When she interviewed people for her book on career change, she says she didn’t see a correlation between people’s passion and their financial success. “If you’re thinking about a career change because you have a dream you really want to pursue, do some homework first to make sure that the economic opportunities are o.k. with you,” she says.

5. Realize that any kind of career change takes time. “A career change can take significant thought, motivation, time, money, support and perseverance,” says Batson. “It is harder to achieve than searching for a job in the same function, even in a recession.”

That’s why it’s important for people pursuing a career change to be patient with themselves and with the process, and to persevere when they hit roadblocks or dead-ends. And if you have any inkling that your job may not be secure or that you just want to try something different, start the process now, because you may not have the luxury of time later if you do get laid off and find yourself under financial pressure to take another job. An easy way to start the career change process: start following people on Twitter who work in the fields that interest you.

6. Consider small changes. If a wholesale change in your career seems too risky, consider smaller shifts you could make, says Mangelsdorf. For example, if you’re employed, are there projects you could take on that would help you transition into a new role?

“Organizations that have had to downsize are having their remaining workers take on more roles,” notes Mangelsdorf. “If you’re currently employed, that could be an opportunity for you to take on work that will bring you closer to your long-term career goal.”

A series of small changes during a longer period of time can lead you to the more dramatic change you ultimately desire. “Career change is often a gradual process,” says Mangelsdorf.

7. Don’t dwell about losing a job you loved. You may feel forced into a career change if you lost a job you loved through a layoff and you know your odds of finding a job in your field are slim (e.g. you’re in a specialized area of IT that’s being outsourced to a developing nation.) As hard is it is to let go of things we love, it’s important to realize that something better can come along. Says Mangelsdorf: “Keep in mind that if you’ve had success in one field and been happy in that work, that’s a good thing. It means you can find another field where you’ll be happy.”

dramatic eyes

Overly plucked eyebrows look unnatural and make your eyes appear smaller.
Use Eye shadow to shape and define your eyes. Three shades are ideal with the darkest on the lid and the lightest just below the brow bone.
Neutral tones are the best for daytime.
Cream eye shadow is best used sparingly and only in cool weather. It has a tendency to crease. If you prefer the cream look, try a frost powder shadow that has a similar look.
Powder eye shadow stays on the longest.
Matte eye shadow looks better than frost if you’re tired. Frost shadow draws attention to wrinkles.
Extend your eye shadow above the lid (crease) and use a light shadow or highlighter right beneath your brow to open up your eyes and make them appear larger.
Using an eyelash curler before you apply mascara will shape your lashes and extend them to the fullest potential. To prevent damage, do not hold the curler too close to the roots.
Black/Brown mascara and eyeliner flatters most faces, blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Black is usually too harsh, especially for blondes.
For extra thick, fuller eyelashes, apply mascara to the top and bottom of your lashes.
When applying mascara to your bottom lashes, fold a sheet of toilet paper or tissue underneath the lashes and apply. This keeps mascara from getting on your face.
Mascara is best when two coats are applied. Make sure the first coat is dry before applying the second.
Use unscented baby wipes to remove eye make-up. Rub lightly.
If you use liquid eye liner for a more dramatic effect, practice making straight lines. Crooked eyeliner will ruin your look.
Eyeliner on the lower lids can make your eyes appear smaller. To open them up, line only the upper lids.
Put your eye pencils in the freezer for a few minutes before sharpening.
If your mascara is getting dried out and thick, soak the entire tube (closed tightly) into a glass of hot water. Let cool before applying.
Waterproof mascara is a must if you’re participating in swimming and outdoor sports. Same goes for emotional events such as weddings and funerals.

sexy lips

Keep lips moisturized at night with petroleum jelly or lip balm.
Use a lip liner that matches your lipstick.
To make thin lips appear larger, apply your liner just outside of your natural lip line. Add a final touch with lip gloss.
Apply pressed powder on and around your lips if your lipstick has a tendency to “bleed.”
If you’re blond, avoid dark colors that appear too harsh.
Never apply lipstick testers to your lips in a store. It’s not hygienic. Try applying it to the back of your wrist instead.
Unless your teeth are sparkling white, avoid coral and orange lipsticks. Instead, try red, pink or plum.
To avoid getting lipstick on your teeth, after application, run your finger through the middle of your lips and pull it back out. The excess will come off on your finger — not your teeth.

7 Tips For Oily Skin Care

Have you ever thought there was simply nothing you could do to get rid of oily skin? Well, I have been down that road before and I am here to tell you that there are several things that will have your skin looking healthy and blemish free. Here’s some time tested oily skin care tips that will help.

Just for a little background, I think it’s important to understand what causes oily skin. Basically, it’s an overactive production of sebum, an oil that under normal conditions naturally moisturizes the skin. But, high levels of sebum production leads to a greasy looking shine on your skin and tendency to break out with acne. Often, oily skin is a result of heredity or hormone levels.

But, there are a few things you can do to care for oily skin that will improve its look and reduce your chances of breaking out:

1. Avoid using harsh cleansers on your skin. Many of the cleansers on the market today have chemical additives that can be very harsh on the skin. This drying effect will actually make your skin even oilier.

I know it seems odd that drying out your skin may actually make your skin more likely, but it’s true. What happens is that this dryness causes a reaction known as ‘reactive seborrhea’. This is when your the oil glands work overtime to produce more sebum to compensate for the dryness. So, be very careful about drying your skin.

Instead, look for cleansers that are specifically marked as oily skincare products.

2. Watch out for hot showers, they also dry out the skin. Again, this causes a problem with your skin trying to over produce its own oil in order to compensate for the dryness.

Instead, keep showers short and don’t use very hot water. When you are done with your shower, you should moisturize. This will help lock in the moisture.

3. Avoid skin care products that contain alcohol. You probably know that alcohol can be very drying. However, you probably didn’t know that alcohols are used very extensively in skin care products.

Imagine buying a product for oily skin care that appears to work at first due to drying effect of alcohol, only to have a bigger problem latter on when your skin starts rapidly producing more oils to compensate for the dryness. Well, that is a distinct possibility unless you pay attention to the ingredients.

4. Don’t over clean your face. Washing your face too much will result in excessive drying, too. Pick a gentle cleanser and wash 2 times a day, morning and night. Any more than this and you could make your condition a little worse.

5. Eat for good skin. A good diet will definitely contribute to cleaner, healthier looking skin. Watch out for foods high in sugar content as these activate hormones that can negatively effect your skin and your body’s ability to deal with inflammation.

6. Eat fish. Fish oils have been shown to actually improve the look of skin. Fish have an essential fatty acid called Omega 3s. The body needs these fatty acids to function well and we depend on that to be provided to us through our diet. If we are deficient in Omega 3 oils, it leads to things like dry skin, dandruff, and eczema.

You should get 3-4 servings of fish a week or supplement with fish oils.

7. Use Rigin to hydrate your skin. It has been shown in clinical trials to deeply hydrate the skin around the face and neck, and make it firmer and softer. A recent study of 17 volunteers, who applied a gel containing Rigin to their face twice daily, found they had a 24% increase in skin hydration after just two weeks.

Tips for feel beautiful everyday

How many times have you waited for something to change so that you could finally start feeling beautiful?

If you are like most women, the answer is “all the time.”

Here is the problem: most of us tend to live with the delusional belief that we somehow need to change in order to be beautiful. It usually sounds something like:

When I lose this extra weight, then I will be attractive.

If I can just get my abs a little more toned, then I can wear that bikini I love.

I feel so much better after I put on my make-up in the morning.

I looked much sexier before I had these wrinkles.

My hair looks drab and lifeless until I get it colored.

Unfortunately, we think these stories, these lies, that we have been taught are true. We believe that we somehow need to change who we are, how we look, and what we do in order to finally be sexy, attractive, and drop-dead gorgeous.

This is a lie — an erroneous, ubiquitous, and often painful lie. The truth of the matter is that you are inherently, unconditionally, and absolutely beautiful and lovable right now, without changing a single thing.

Fortunately, very fortunately, you can expose these lies and choose to no longer live under their spell.

Ready to get started? Here are 6 simple and sure-fire ways to help you feel beautiful today:

1. Become Aware of What You Are Thinking

Simply become aware of the stories you are telling yourself so that you are no longer reacting on auto-pilot. Through awareness alone, you can begin to transmute your reality and transform lies into truth. Actively acknowledge that there is no inherent truth in the belief that you need to change something about yourself in order to be attractive. Consider that you can start feeling beautiful immediately, in this moment, without changing a single thing.

2. Set an Intention to See Beauty

Setting an intention is simple: intend to create a different reality for yourself. Here are some examples:

I intend to experience my inherent beauty. Or: I intend to see my beauty and perfection at all times. Or: I intend to know I am inherently beautiful, lovable, and worthwhile.Do you ever see your reflection in the mirror and grimace at your wrinkles, vowing to purchase the latest anti-wrinkle cream?

Set an intention to find beauty in your reflection.

Or when you undress, do you ever suck in your stomach, berating yourself for not yet losing those 5 extra pounds?
Set an intention to appreciate the body that you have right now.

Do you ever go shopping for clothes and wish you were a size (or more) smaller?

Set an intention to unconditionally accept your body.

Hopefully you get the idea; set an intention to see yourself through the eyes of beauty.

3. Take a “Meditation Moment”

Meditation is the mental equivalent of brushing your teeth. This means that it is an essential and indispensable daily activity designed to help rest and rejuvenate your body, cleanse your psyche, awaken your spirit, and help you live a life that you love.

Nourish yourself with instant meditation moments throughout the day.

Are you waiting at the bus stop on your way to work? Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to connect within.

Are you making dinner for the family? Take 30 seconds and focus on the sounds, smells, and sensations in your environment, letting them nourish your senses.

Are you in the shower, getting ready to start your day?

Turn your attention to the feeling of warm water cascading against you, gently caressing your body, and allow yourself to relax.

These meditation moments can happen anywhere, anytime — 30 to 60 seconds of closing your eyes and connecting within can make all the difference in the world.

4. Your Body is Your Best Friend

Your human body is your truest ally. Befriend it and it will serve you tirelessly.

Treat it as you would a dear friend:

Feed your body with healthy food, taking the time to give it proper nourishment.

Remember to exercise, and make it enjoyable. If the gym makes you cringe, opt for yoga, Pilates, dance, or good old walking. Anything to get your body moving will do wonders.

Relaxation is key. In our harried and hurried world, it is essential that you remember to relax and rejuvenate.

Instead of critiquing your body for not being enough of this and for being too much of that, offer it gratitude and appreciation for its unwavering support and devotion.

5. Create Meaningful Moments

Every day is filled with countless tasks and errands: going to work, talking with friends, picking up the kids, supporting your significant other, washing dishes, going to the gym, visiting the supermarket, shopping — on and one it goes. Remember that you can imbue each moment with meaning. It can be as simple as smiling at everyone you meet, reacting with compassion and love instead of anger, or making sure to tell your friends and loved ones how much you care about them.

6. You’re Smoking Hot, Inside Out

Remember, you were born beautiful. Believing that you are unattractive is a learned habit. You can unlearn it and discover the Joy, Peace, and Love that are your natural state and birthright!

So that is it — 6 Simple Steps. 6 simple steps to start feeling beautiful, right now, in this moment. You don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to experience the Beauty that you already are. In fact, there is nothing you can do, say, or buy that will make you any more perfect, any more beautiful, or any more desirable than you are in this very moment. Simply know this, and you will revel in your true beauty.

6 steps for making your best immpression on job interview

6 steps for making your best impression on job interview

Congratulations, your job application has opened the door for an interview.

The interviewer will be looking for clues as to your attitude, skills and experience that match both the job and work environment. Your time together will be limited. How can you prepare to make the most of the opportunity and get invited back?

Step 1: Learn about the company.

Visit the company Web site to get a sense of the vision, values, history and culture. Find out about the company’s products, services, locations and customers. If the company has a public location, stop by and observe how business gets done. Think about how the job that you are seeking helps the company achieve its goals.

Step 2: Know how you fit.

Make a list of the job requirements and qualifications. For each item, jot down your strengths, weaknesses and examples from your prior experience that would demonstrate your ability to perform that function well. Even if a job requirement would be new for you, think of your experience in another area that you could apply to be successful.

Step 3: Decide what to say.

Develop a few points that will help you convey who you are and what you bring to the job. Turn your list of job requirements and related experiences into a series of questions that you answer aloud. Practice until you feel comfortable in responding to questions about your attributes and background. That way, you will be able to focus on what the interviewer is asking, rather than being distracted with worry about your answers.

Step 4: Make a positive impression.

First impressions have a significant impact on interview outcomes. Your words take on different meanings through nonverbal signals appearance, attitude, tone of voice, eye contact, gestures, postureall of which the interviewer uses to interpret the messages that you are trying to convey.

Your demeanor on the outside begins from within. Look forward to the interview; view it as a learning experience, no matter what the outcome. Know your qualifications and have confidence in your ability to do the job. Plan ahead to ensure that you are appropriately attired and groomed, arrive in the parking lot 15 minutes early, and have your resume and other information with you.

During the interview, stay engaged and focused, maintain good eye contact and match your energy level to that of the interviewer. Be calm, courteous, positive and professional. Speak clearly, truthfully and with enthusiasm. Think before you speak, and use examples that will highlight your strengths. Avoid making negative comments or volunteering negative information about yourself or others. Let your personality come through; you want the interviewer to make a hiring decision based on the real you.

Step 5: Ask good questions.

Interviewers also learn about you through the questions that you ask. To prepare in advance, draft a few questions: Where do you see the company going in the next five years? What are the key goals of this department? What do you consider to be the most important aspects of this job?

Use questions selectively and appropriately. As the interview closes, thank the interviewer and ask about the timing and next steps in the screening process.

Step 6: Follow up.

Send a letter within a day of the interview, thanking the interviewer and expressing continued interest in the job. If you do not hear from the company within a reasonable amount of time, make a followup call. In hiring situations with many applicants, an employer may take longer to decide on the right person. Remaining in contact may help to keep you in the running.